Getting Started

Senior woman with tablet.

Meet and Greet

We will start by making a “Meet and Greet” appointment. We will meet through video using a service called Zoom. The Meet and Greet appointment is free with no obligation to continue with therapy. It usually lasts 45 minutes to an hour.

This meeting gives us both time to ask questions and share information. It also allows you to see examples of potential therapy activities. Family members or friends are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting.

Senior man taking notes at computer.

What do I need?

Since all therapy sessions are over the Internet, you will need a stable Internet connection and a computer or tablet device. Phones are not recommended because of their small size.

You will need an email address to receive a link to our online therapy room before every session.

Your computer or device will need a working WebCam/video camera, speaker(s) and microphone. WebCams often have microphones built in.

Finally, like you have experienced with most medical practices, you will need to complete some forms so that we may better serve you. This includes getting a copy of your insurance card.

Young man with hearing aid talking to a tablet device.


In most cases our first session will be an assessment. This is a series of activities designed to identify strengths and challenges you or your child may be experiencing while wearing the listening devices. This session may require two hours or be broken into several sessions.


Therapy Sessions

Therapy sessions are usually one hour, once per week. This can vary depending on your needs and schedule. 15 minutes prior to our scheduled appointment, you will get an email with a link to our online therapy room. You will click on that link to open Zoom, an online video conferencing service.

Zoom will open in a browser window or in the Zoom app. You can test your audio and video settings while you wait for our appointment time.

At our appointment time, Dr. Evans will join you through Zoom and we will begin. You can expect to participate in a number of listening activities and learn strategies for practicing between our sessions. If the patient is a child, parent involvement for the session is necessary. Our session will usually last an hour.

After, we will send you an invoice by email for any copayment or coinsurance amount due and file a claim with your insurance carrier. You can make any payments with a credit or debit card or by check.